EN Englisch Wörterbuch 41201 bis 41250
- First come, first served.
- fan oneself
- fall to
- flow towards
- flowed to
- flowed towards
- feel happy about sth.
- freeze up
- freezing over
- frozen up
- feed sth. {fed
- for the benefit of
- future-orientated
- full of promise
- funnel sth. to sb.
- for your own sake
- flood and trash sth.
- flooding and trashing
- flooded and trashed
- First of all I'm going home.
- First of all I'm going for a ride.
- finding one's way
- found one's way
- form back
- forming back
- formed back
- falling behind
- fallen behind
- flashing back
- flashed back
- find one's way back
- find the way back
- finding one's way back
- found one's way back
- fall steeply
- fall sharply
- falling steeply
- falling sharply
- fallen steeply