EN Englisch Wörterbuch 41151 bis 41200
- follow up sth.
- for miles around
- farsightedly
- famous the world over
- for less than
- fling your hat into the air
- fling your shoes across the room
- fling sb. into prison
- flipping a coin
- flipped a coin
- foreign to sb.'s nature
- fail to inform sb. about material circumstances
- find sth. again
- Fancy meeting you again!
- Fancy seeing you here!
- fortified oil
- Friday is the day when ...
- for which
- fleecily
- From what do you deduce that_
- from what
- from which
- flavor sth.
- fair and beautiful
- furious with rage
- foaming with rage
- flick channels
- from the point of view of contemporary history
- for a limited period
- fall into crumbs
- falling into crumbs
- fallen into crumbs
- fritter away one's energies
- frittering away one's energies
- fritterred away one's energies
- fordo sth. {fordid
- fordone}
- father child
- for your information
- ferule children
- feruling children
- feruled children