EN Englisch Wörterbuch 36201 bis 36250
- football)
- fifth parry
- Free parking is available at the hotel.
- fillet flooring
- floating parquet floor
- floor trading
- floor trader
- floor traders
- freerunning
- freeway parking lot
- find a place to park
- Finding a place to park is becoming increasingly difficult.
- fellow member of the party
- factiousness
- full score
- full scores
- Feast of the Passover
- fitted keys
- fit size
- fit sizes
- fit bolt
- fit bolts
- fitted bolts
- fitting screw
- fitting screws
- fitting element
- fitting piece
- fitting elements
- fitting pieces
- fretting corrosion
- fitting clearance
- file a patent application
- firing chambers
- flat-rate guarantee
- flat charge
- flat charges
- flat fee