EN Englisch Wörterbuch 32701 bis 32750
- fingerprint hinge lifters
- finger exercise
- five-finger exercise
- fan orchid
- finlandization
- finlandisation
- foofaraw
- formation of a company
- firm owner
- firm owners
- firm's stamp
- firm's stamps
- firmware version
- firn ice
- firn snow
- Flying Fish
- feed the fishes
- feel like a fish out of water
- feel like a fish in the water
- fish scarcity
- fish species
- fish eye
- fish eyes
- fisheye lenses
- fish stocks
- fishery resources
- fish cutlery
- fish knives and forks
- fish cutleries
- fisheries agreement
- fisheries agreements
- fisheries sector
- fishery product
- fishery products
- fishing vessels
- fishing trade
- fishing limit
- fishing limits
- fishing ports
- fisheries policy
- fishing right
- fishing activity