EN Englisch Wörterbuch 54401 bis 54450
- functional ceramics
- functional MRI , fMRI
- functional magnetic resonance imaging , fMRI
- functional mitral insufficiency
- functional psychology
- functional abdominal complaints
- functions of the body
- function theory
- functional specifications
- functional diagnostics
- functional diagnostics department
- function diagnostics
- functional rank
- functional dimorphism
- functional elite
- functional label
- functional fiber
- functional fibre
- functional fibers
- functional fibres
- functions tested
- function constant
- function name
- functional discount
- function scintigraphy
- function part
- functional item
- functional part
- functioning soundly
- functional efficiency
- functional soundness
- function selector switch
- function select
- function selection
- functional water
- function monitor
- function selector
- function-select switch
- fault and performance monitoring