EN Englisch Wörterbuch 29601 bis 29650
- enforce one's views on sb.
- elaborate sth.
- elaborative
- exercise regularly to develop one's muscles
- encroach on other plants
- escape-proof
- extend sth.
- enunciative
- expressly emphasize sth.
- emit sth.
- exhale sth.
- explain sth. to sb.
- explaining to
- explained to
- emanative
- execute sth.
- expenditure-based
- extensive travels
- extended travels
- extensive air shower
- extended cosmic shower
- ex aequo et bono
- ex mero motu
- ex proprio motu
- ex-officio member
- evening out
- evened out
- evens out
- equalise sth.
- equationally
- expectorate sth.
- excludeed
- engineer sth.