EN Englisch Wörterbuch 27901 bis 27950
- exponentiating a number
- exponentiated a number
- equipotential bonding
- enkianthus
- embossing machine
- embossing die
- embossing dies
- externship
- externships
- Experts provide practical guidance.
- exceed the price limit
- enter the ministry
- enquiry agent
- enquiry agents
- executive jet
- experimentee
- experimentees
- enter the equation
- extrusion profile plants
- engage in a project
- equidistant projection
- equiareal projection
- equivalent projection
- engage in prostitution
- engaging in prostitution
- engaged in prostitution
- engage in street prostitution
- externally powered prosthesis
- entry in the minutes
- examination marker
- exam marker
- examination markers
- exam markers
- examination candidate
- examination candidates
- examination date
- examination dates
- examining division
- examination office
- examination requirements
- examination papers