EN Englisch Wörterbuch 49001 bis 49050
- drown an animal
- drown one's sorrow in drink
- drown one's sorrow with alcohol
- drown in paperwork
- desired effect
- desirable person
- Don't tell me he's sick.
- dance eurythmically
- debts due and owing
- dye one's hair
- driven} a vehicle
- drive fast
- driving fast
- driven fast
- drives fast
- drove fast
- Dad drove the car and we kids rode in the back.
- dump down
- Do not fold!
- dovetail sth.
- do one's clinical training
- doing one's clinical training
- done one's clinical training
- defective material and workmanship
- dystopic
- destroy sb.
- determine sth. in advance
- determining in advance
- determined in advance
- determines in advance
- damp and chilly
- drunken orgy
- deemed income
- digitiform
- downiest
- Don't swear in front of the children.