EN Englisch Wörterbuch 44001 bis 44050
- drive mapping
- drive mappings
- during an avalanche
- de facto spouse
- devote one's life to sth.
- dangers of lifenjured person
- desire to live life to the full
- During her lifetime she had witnessed two wars.
- downwind turbine
- downwind turbines
- dummy lines
- dummy bits
- dummy blocks
- dummy package
- dummy packages
- dummy records
- dyslexics
- dyslectics
- do an apprenticeship
- dive instructor
- didactic play
- didactic plays
- dead bodies
- doleful expression
- desecrator of a corpse
- desecrators of a corpse
- do sth. with ease
- direct inguinal hernia
- deliverables
- discretionary benefits
- drop in performance
- drops in performance
- drop in productivity
- drop in quality
- double ladder
- ductings
- do a lesson
- drop arm spindle
- drop arm spindles
- drag link
- drag links
- data pens
- disinhibition phenomenon
- disinhibition phenomena
- direct arc furnace
- dazzlers