EN Englisch Wörterbuch 121851 bis 121900
- Chechnya conflict
- Chechnya policy
- Chechen lady
- Chechen woman
- Chechen Republic
- Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang: The Magical Car
- Chornobyl
- Chornomorsk
- Chukchi peninsula
- Chukchi lady
- Chukchi woman
- Chuvashs
- Chuvash lady
- Chuvash woman
- Chuvash girl
- cherio!
- cloth curtain shutter
- cloth-curtain shutter
- cloth factory
- cloth mill
- cloth trade
- cloth-trade
- cloth manufacturer
- clothmaker
- clothworker
- cloth manufacture
- cloth scissors
- cloth shoe
- cloth shoes
- cloth loom
- cloth weaving loom
- clothing wool
- clean habits
- catalogue of virtues
- comprehensive cancer center , CCC
- cotton swab forceps
- combustion chamber turbine
- cold turbine start
- church clock
- Caspian Sea sprat