EN Englisch Wörterbuch 120951 bis 121000
- coccygeal dimple
- coccygeal nerves
- coccygeal fistula
- coccygeal segments of spinal cord
- correcting agent
- come out in favor of
- come out in favour of
- come out against
- coital position
- child pose
- change of post
- change of position
- change of emplacement
- caulked joint
- caulking joint
- caulking hammer
- Castro-Stephens coupling
- common black cricket
- clamorous reed-warbler
- celebrity babe
- celebrity babes
- celebrity girls
- celestial alignment
- carol singing at Epiphany
- carol singer at Epiphany
- carol singers at Epiphany
- cigarette tax
- control statment
- committee of ways and means
- control nozzle
- control nozzles
- controlling device
- control assembly
- cumulative tax table
- controll frequency
- control gas
- control gas pre-heater
- control gas preheater
- control-gas pre-heater
- control-gas preheater
- confidentiality in tax matters
- control generator
- control circuit device