EN Englisch Wörterbuch 119801 bis 119850
- cabinetmaker's trade
- cabinetmaker's hammer
- crotch edge
- cutoff hammer
- contracted gallbladder
- contracted kidney
- contracted liver
- canted bulkhead
- coalcutter
- connecting rod dilatometer
- collection of shoes
- class uniform
- child just starting school
- choice of schools
- class essay
- credit counselor
- credit counseling
- credit counseling center
- criminally liable
- cause guilt
- coupon note
- classroom film
- classroom flirtation
- complex of school buildings
- Confessions of a Naked Virgin
- Carnal Campus
- Campus Swingers
- Campus Pussycats
- Confessions of a Sixth Form Girl
- classroom orgy
- compulsory school education
- classroom experiences