EN Englisch Wörterbuch 110951 bis 111000
- cooking contest
- cuisine magazine
- codec : coder decoder
- coercitive field strength
- coercivity
- coffer fish
- coffer-fish
- cofferfish
- cow fish
- cow-fish
- case lining
- car trunk
- car boot bomb
- car trunk bomb
- cofinite topology
- cognates
- cognitive archaeology
- cognitive archeology
- cognitive map
- cognitive therapy
- cognitive environment
- cognitive behavior therapy , CBT
- cognitive behavioral therapy , CBT
- cognitive behaviour therapy , CBT
- cognitive behavioural therapy , CBT
- cognitive-behavioral therapy , CBT
- cognitive-behavioural therapy , CBT
- cognitive behavior
- cognitive behaviour
- cogredient
- cogrediency
- cabbage moth
- cabbage field
- cabbage cultivation
- cabbage farming
- cabbage growing
- cultivation of cabbage
- coal and steel industry
- carbon-arc lamp
- carbon injecting lance