EN Englisch Wörterbuch 89101 bis 89150
- Chimarrogale
- Cannibal Apocalypse
- Cannibal Massacre
- Cannibals in the City
- Cannibals in the Streets
- chemistry of asphalt
- coarse-aggregate bituminous concrete
- coarse-graded asphalt concrete
- coarse-graded asphaltic concrete
- Court of Assises
- Chrysanthemum Revolution
- cardiac asthma
- celestial ...
- court hearing to determine a person's right to political asylum
- common mountain bush cricket
- common mountain bush-cricket
- convalent bond
- cream of aubergine soup
- Case Closed
- come upon the enemy
- come on the market
- come to the throne
- Changing Sides
- come onto the scene
- come on the dot
- Counterstrike
- climb up a tree
- climb a mountain
- conceive an idea
- come accross sth.
- C.R. : company's risk
- come on, chaps!
- come on, folks!