EN Englisch Wörterbuch 70801 bis 70850
- crane trolley
- crane trolleys
- crane crabs
- crab running on two rails
- crab gauge
- crawl beam
- crawl beams
- credit purchase
- CD to buy
- crowds of Christmas shoppers
- call options
- call premiums
- call of more
- call price
- compulsive shopping
- compulsive buying
- contracts of purchase and sale
- conditional sales contract
- consumer resistance
- chewing gums
- causal concepts
- chewing reflex
- chewing reflexes
- chain of causation
- causal clauses
- causticizing agent
- causticizing agents
- chewable tablet
- chewable tablets
- cautery knife
- cautery surgery
- cured rubber
- caoutchouc tree
- caoutchouc milk
- cavalry horses