EN Englisch Wörterbuch 67151 bis 67200
- continue the success story of ...
- contingent fee
- contingent fees
- contingency fees
- compensatory hypertension
- constraint satisfaction
- completion of support
- complementary subject
- complementary subjects
- complementary studies
- carry sth. to a successful issue
- coverage of a paint
- countryside conservation
- conservation measures for highly migratory animal species
- conservation measures
- conservation breeding
- conservation status
- collection costs
- common colds
- cold and flu bath
- coughs and sneezes
- cold virus
- criminal intelligence
- cant bay
- cant window
- compass window
- chronic disease
- chronic health condition
- climate-sensitive diseases
- conical flask
- calculation of the proceeds
- collect the proceeds
- criminal investigation
- criminal inquiry
- committee of inquiry
- committees of inquiry
- caveman diet
- crop shortfall
- crop failurei crop shortfalls
- Crop Over
- crop desiccation