EN Englisch Wörterbuch 55551 bis 55600
- be tellingly effective
- be confusingly similar to sth.
- be no good with money
- be academically supervised
- but I'll leave out the unimportant parts
- by the week
- bulging out
- bulged out
- better considered
- best considered
- better behaved
- be easy in your mind about sth.
- being easy in your mind about
- been easy in your mind about
- be well disposed to sb.
- be favourably disposed towards sb.
- better mannered
- benefic
- beneficently
- before which
- become footsore
- becoming footsore
- be apprehensive
- be ... in number
- be very sensitive
- be in keeping with the times
- be stored centrally
- biting through
- bitten through
- burst asunder
- bursting asunder
- break to pieces
- busticate
- breaking to pieces
- broken to pieces