EN Englisch Wörterbuch 54001 bis 54050
- be illegal
- become effective ...
- be out of square
- be oratorically gifted
- be reducible to
- bounce off
- bouncing off
- bounced off
- be a regular occurrence
- be placed at regular intervals
- being self-adjusting
- been self-adjusting
- be ungrudgingly in
- be ripe for sth.
- be sold down the river
- be ready to leave
- be ready to go
- be traveling
- be extremely irritable
- be tickled by the idea of doing sth.
- be of interest
- be made up of sb.
- be entitled to a pension
- be profitable
- being profitable
- been profitable
- bringing a return
- brought a return
- be beyond repair
- be put under requisition
- be set apart for sth.
- behind the breastbone
- bail out sb.
- be swamped with sth.
- be salvageable
- being directed
- been directed
- be beyond sb.'s cognizance
- be fraught with danger
- bestride sth. {bestrode, bestrid
- breathe stertorously