EN Englisch Wörterbuch 39201 bis 39250
- alternate action keies
- a Madonna lookalike
- arbor press
- arbor presses
- awaken sth. from their century-long hibernation
- adjustable-port proportioning valve
- air swirler
- a night of high drama
- accidents, burst pipes, and other domestic dramas
- a nexus of activity
- auger drill
- auger drills
- attracted-iron ...
- articulated bogie
- articulated trolley
- articulated trolleys
- axis of spin
- axes of spin
- abloy key
- abloy keys
- AC generators
- alternators
- a triennial contract
- a man with a three-day growth of beard
- air-seeder
- aggravated drug abuse
- aggressive gesture
- aggressive gestures
- a compellence and deterrence policy
- a public menace
- apply pressure to sb.
- apply pressure to
- absolute pressure
- axial compression
- air brakes
- air horns
- air hammers
- air caisson
- air caissons
- air compressors
- air break switches
- air pressure tank
- air pressure tanks