EN Englisch Wörterbuch 66501 bis 66550
- acceleration vector
- alleged offender
- avalanche of complaints
- accoy
- ask apprehensively
- ask solicitously
- ask anxiously
- acid steel
- As Good as It Gets
- appointments-only surgery
- attempts, ambitions
- accumulate inventories
- acknowledged signal
- anthecology
- An Evening Visit
- avalanche of visitors
- attendance figures
- associate companies
- an adores
- arrowhead violet
- aggregate concrete masonry unit
- area of concrete
- absolute value function
- according to amount
- administration server
- advice of works in progress
- assistant to manager
- abandonment of the enterprise
- asset depreciation range
- average useful life
- affected people
- affected company
- affected enterprise
- attempt to defraud
- amorous escapade
- amorous escapades