EN Englisch Wörterbuch 52401 bis 52450
- authigenic
- autigenetic
- autolith
- autometamorphism
- autotheca
- Autunian
- awaruite
- axial stress
- abyssolith
- angles of diffraction
- amethystine quartz
- artificial cementation
- arch dams
- arched dams
- allowable maximum of hole deviation
- ankerite
- angle of break
- angles of break
- adamantine lustre
- acromorph
- antimonsilver
- affected overburden
- area of extraction
- area of settlement
- alkaline earth
- anticlinal trap
- Alpides
- areal extent
- apparatus for plasticity test
- area of production
- areas of production
- aggregate thickness
- arched roof
- anticlinal axis
- anticlinal axes
- arching effect
- atomic plane
- atomic planes
- auger boring
- auger borings
- air hoist
- adit haulage tunnel