EN Englisch Wörterbuch 50351 bis 50400
- abiotic transformation
- a very inconvenient time
- a nameless feeling
- a dark horse for the award
- an unarguable theory
- an unguarded car park
- a desert island
- an unmarked grave
- a refund, if only a partial one
- and do so
- a remake of the song, and a bad one at that
- A constitutional state is unthinkable without an independent judicial system.
- a byzantine tax system
- an unhampered view
- acquire gratuitously
- an undeclared war
- a bottomless pit for sth.
- a bottomless pit of money
- an unfailing source of inspiration
- astronomical, prohibitive interest rates
- a monument unmentioned in all the travel guidebooks
- a name yet unmentioned by the media
- an unlikely ally
- an unlikely couple
- act undesirably
- accident-free
- accident hotspot
- accident black spot
- accident hotspots
- accident black spots
- an unsuitable moment
- an unlikely candidate for the position
- around four o'clock
- always roughly half
- always approximately half
- an unobstructed view of sth.
- A certain person, who shall remain nameless, forgot to lock the door.
- an uncommon name
- an unfamiliar sight
- an incredible amount
- a terrific amount
- an untenably attractive woman
- an unlikely explanation
- as different as chalk from cheese
- a disastrous attempt
- an unfortunate remark
- an infelicitous remark