Don't Move

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

The Commission must have known that the elections in June 2004 meant that the timetable for legislative reports would be very tight, yet no special effort was made on their part to move quickly.
The Commission must have known that the elections in June 2004 meant that the timetable for legislative reports would be very tight, yet no special effort was made on their part to move quickly.
Once this transitional period expires, they will move to information exchange.
Once this transitional period expires, they will move to information exchange.
Bulgaria and Romania move towards EU membership
Bulgaria and Romania move towards EU membership
The relevance granted by European citizens to the achievement of the freedom to move, as well as to its seminal role and added value in the promotion of European identity, has been often evidenced in various Eurobarometer reports.
The relevance granted by European citizens to the achievement of the freedom to move, as well as to its seminal role and added value in the promotion of European identity, has been often evidenced in various Eurobarometer reports.

Don't Move