could you .._

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Could you please describe how?
Bitte beschreiben Sie, auf welche Weise.
Could you please indicate national legislation regulating it?
Geben Sie die nationalen Rechtsvorschriften an, denen sie unterliegt.
If so, could you please explain?
Falls ja, machen Sie bitte genauere Angaben.
If so, could you please give more details on it?
Falls ja, machen Sie bitte genauere Angaben.
Do you think this policy could be applied by the ECB?
Do you think this policy could be applied by the ECB?
Could you provide the LIBE Committee with the transposition measures?
Could you provide the LIBE Committee with the transposition measures?
Could you provide the LIBE Committee with such information?
Could you provide the LIBE Committee with such information?
Could you please tell me how to access this list?
Die Fragestellerin bittet um Mitteilung, wie Einsicht in dieses Verzeichnis genommen werden kann.