Christ plant

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Plant and plant products
Pflanzen und pflanzliche Erzeugnisse
105 Xingning Christ Craftworks Co. Ltd
105 Xingning Christ Craftworks Co. Ltd.
Plant to plant gene transfer.
Gentransfer von Pflanze zu Pflanze.
Pastor Zhang RONGLIANG, 53, one of the founders of the China for Christ Church.
Pastor Zhang RONGLIANG, 53, one of the founders of the China for Christ Church.
One of the founders of the China for Christ church; convicted to seven and a half years of imprisonment in 2006; currently he is in a very bad health condition.
One of the founders of the China for Christ church; convicted to seven and a half years of imprisonment in 2006; currently he is in a very bad health condition.