choose to look the other way

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

It is a horrible thing to say but that is the only way you can look at what is really going on.
Nur so kann man eine Idee haben, was wirklich vor sich geht.
They do not look to the future and look at the existing body of Community legislation and the way that it is implemented, either by the Commission or by the Member States.
Sie befassen sich nicht mit Zukunftsfragen, sondern mit dem vorhandenen Gemeinschaftsrecht und dessen Anwendung durch die Kommission bzw. die Mitgliedstaaten.
Furthermore, limited nutrition information in the principal field of vision on PARNUTS foods may present the products in a misleading way, prompting vulnerable consumer groups to choose other products believed to be nutritionally superior.
Furthermore, limited nutrition information in the principal field of vision on PARNUTS foods may present the products in a misleading way, prompting vulnerable consumer groups to choose other products believed to be nutritionally superior.