
Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

aus regenerierter Cellulose
Of regenerated cellulose
Cellulose, Carboxymethylether, Calciumsalz
Cellulose, carboxymethyl ether, calcium salt
Cellulose, Acetate
Cellulose, acetates
Cellulose, Acetate, Butanoate
Cellulose, acetates, butanoates
Cellulose, Acetate, Propanoate
Cellulose, acetates, propanoates
Cellulose, Carboxymethylether, Natriumsalz
Cellulose, carboxymethyl ether, sodium salt
Cellulose, 2-Hydroxyethylhexadecylether
Cellulose, 2-hydroxyethyl hexadecyl ethers
Cellulose, Ethylether
Cellulose, ethyl ether
Cellulose, Hydroxybutylmethylether
Cellulose, hydroxybutyl methyl ether
Cellulose, 2-Hydroxyethylether
Cellulose, 2-hydroxyethyl ether
Cellulose, Hydroxypropylmethylether
Cellulose, 2-hydroxypropyl methyl ether
Cellulose, 2-Hydroxypropylether
Cellulose, 2-hydroxypropyl ether
Cellulose, Methylether
Cellulose, methyl ether
Cellulose, regeneriert.
Cellulose, regenerated.
Cellulose, Hydrogensulfat, Natriumsalz
Cellulose, hydrogen sulfate, sodium salt
Ethylether der Cellulose
Ethyl ether of cellulose
Mikrokristalline Cellulose
microcrystalline cellulose
Mikrokristalline Cellulose
Microcrystalline cellulose
Cellulose gel
Methylether der Cellulose
Methyl ether of cellulose
Hydroxypropylether der Cellulose
Hydroxypropyl ether of cellulose
Ethylmethylether der Cellulose
Ethyl methyl ether of cellulose
Cellulose, regeneriert
cellulose, regenerated
Powdered cellulose
Biokraftstoffe aus Cellulose umfassen auch Bioethanol aus Cellulose.
Cellulosic biofuels include cellulosic bioethanol.
Mikrokristalline Cellulose, Cellulose-Gel
Microcrystalline Cellulose, Cellulose gel
Lack und Holzbeize
Varnish and woodstain