career path

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Career development
cancel train path and request new path .
Stornierung der Trasse und Antrag auf neue Trasse.
Flight path segment Equivalent level path
Beobachter hinter dem Segment
Professional career
Beruflicher Werdegang
Political career
Politischer Werdegang
Political career
Politische Laufbahn
The same difference in time applies to higher rankings too, with the career path for ADs being much longer in comparison to national diplomats.
The same difference in time applies to higher rankings too, with the career path for ADs being much longer in comparison to national diplomats.
Professional Career
Beruflicher Werdegang
secondment to the EEAS by national diplomatic services should be treated as an integral part of the career path within those services;
die Abordnung von Mitarbeitern von einzelstaatlichen diplomatischen Diensten zum EAD sollte als fester Bestandteil der beruflichen Laufbahn innerhalb dieser Dienste gelten;
Career Guidance