Car Wash - Der ausgeflippte Waschsalon

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Start date of the ownership of the car
Start date of the ownership of the car.
End data of the ownership of the car
End data of the ownership of the car.
CAR nimmt seine Aufgaben unter der Verantwortung des Hohen Vertreters wahr.
CAR shall perform its tasks under the responsibility of the HR.
Hierzu trifft der Hohe Vertreter die notwendigen Vereinbarungen mit CAR.
For this purpose, the HR shall enter into the necessary arrangements with CAR.
CAR nimmt seine Aufgabe unter der Verantwortung des Hohen Vertreters wahr
CAR will perform its task under the responsibility of the HR
Volvo Car Corporation
Volvo Car Corporation
CAR nimmt seine Aufgabe unter der Verantwortung des Hohen Vertreters wahr.
CAR will perform its task under the responsibility of the HR.
When it comes to the EU 15, employment in the car sector has declined but car manufacturing remains very important.
When it comes to the EU 15, employment in the car sector has declined but car manufacturing remains very important.
Labelling scheme of car fuels
Labelling scheme of car fuels
Develop car sharing and car pooling services as a substitute for private vehicle ownership and encourage ridesharing
Develop car sharing and car pooling services as a substitute for private vehicle ownership and encourage ridesharing
De-marketing of car
De-marketing of car
Car und mit anderen Automobilclubs zu diskutieren?
Car and other motoring organisations?
The Wash ist eine breite zwischen Lincolnshire und Norfolk in Ostengland gelegene Nordseebucht.
The Wash is that wide inlet of the North Sea lying between Lincolnshire and Norfolk in Eastern England.