be uninvolved in sth.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

may be authorised to be placed in service.
genehmigt und in Betrieb genommen werden kann.
The Strategy will be incremental in scope and will be implemented in cycles.
Die Strategie wird einen inkrementellen Ansatz verfolgen und in Phasen umgesetzt werden.
Nevertheless, the mechanisms for doing so should not involve the deduction of quotas and refusal of quota transfers or quota exchanges, since this would not affect the Member State that is failing to comply but would affect fleets which may be totally uninvolved in the infringements, and even - in the case of quota exchanges - other Member States that have nothing to do with the violation in question.
Nevertheless, the mechanisms for doing so should not involve the deduction of quotas and refusal of quota transfers or quota exchanges, since this would not affect the Member State that is failing to comply but would affect fleets which may be totally uninvolved in the infringements, and even - in the case of quota exchanges - other Member States that have nothing to do with the violation in question.