at the junction of Railway Road and Garden Alley

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

From map reference TQ370020 follow a minor road north-west to a junction at map reference TQ369022.
From map reference TQ370020 follow a minor road north west to a junction at map reference TQ369022.
Turn left onto a minor road and continue west to a T-junction at map reference TQ186203.
Turn left onto a minor road and continue west to a T junction at map reference TQ186203.
Continue north-east to a junction with a minor road on the coast at map reference TA213082.
Continue north east to a junction with a minor road on the coast at map reference TA213082.
Bldg 2, Nader Alley after Beheshi Forked Road, P.O. Box 15875-3898, Tehran, Iran 15116 ;
Bldg 2, Nader Alley after Beheshi Forked Road, P.O. Box 15875-3898, Teheran, Iran 15116
Ministerial Department responsible for the Lisbon Railway Junction
Ministerial Department responsible for the Lisbon Railway Junction
Ministerial Department responsible for the Oporto Railway Junction
Ministerial Department responsible for the Oporto Railway Junction