as though

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Even though this may be so, the risk, as identified, remains.
Selbst wenn dies zutrifft, bleibt das aufgezeigte Risiko bestehen.
It is not as though there were no alternatives.
Es gibt durchaus Alternativen.
Unfortunately though Member States as of yet have failed to reach final agreement on the text.
Unfortunately though Member States as of yet have failed to reach final agreement on the text.
It looks as though Filipino diplomats have managed to negotiate terms for the release of the accused.
Philippinischen Diplomaten ist es allem Anschein nach gelungen, die bedingte Freilassung der Beschuldigten zu erwirken.
Portugal also sees devaluation as the solution to its problems, though as yet to a lesser extent than Ireland.
Portugal sieht sein Heil ebenfalls in der Geldentwertung, wenn auch bis jetzt in geringerem Umfang als Irland.
as though they were insured pursuant to the said
nach diesen Rechtsvorschriften versichert