a verdict of not guilty of murder

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

According to the International Helsinki Federation of Human Rights, an investigation was carried out by the authorities on this murder and some suspects were found guilty, but the investigation and the trial did not see into the whole truth of this case.
According to the International Helsinki Federation of Human Rights, an investigation was carried out by the authorities on this murder and some suspects were found guilty, but the investigation and the trial did not see into the whole truth of this case.
Spanish citizen found guilty of murder and condemned to death by the Court of Florida in 2000.
Spanish citizen found guilty of murder and condemned to death by the Court of Florida in 2000.
Without entering into the substance of the legal dispute, it may be stated that a trial has already been held, at which the charges were not proved, and the requirement for a unanimous guilty verdict from the jury was not met.
Ohne auf Einzelheiten des Verfahrens einzugehen, steht fest, dass bereits ein Prozess stattgefunden hat, in dem die zur Last gelegten Vergehen nicht nachgewiesen wurden und das erforderliche einstimmige Urteil der Geschworenen nicht erwirkt wurde.
Does the Commission intend to intervene with regard to the guilty verdict against Khodorkovsky and Lebedev?
Wird sie im Hinblick auf das auf Strafe erkennende Urteil gegen Chodorkowski und Lebedew intervenieren?