(a discussion) leiten (Besprechung)


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Am 13. Februar 2006 erfolgte eine weitere Besprechung mit Vertretern der norwegischen Regierung.
A meeting with the Norwegian authorities took place on 13 February 2006.
Besprechung der Anforderungen des Betreibers und der gesetzlichen Vorschriften,
review of operator requirements and legal requirements;
nach Besprechung dieser Angelegenheit im Verwaltungsrat von Europol -
After discussion of the matter by the Europol Management Board,
Eine umfangreichere Besprechung erschien in Greek Economic Review , Dezember 1981.
A more extensive review article appears in Greek Economic Review , December 1981.
The full comprehension of processes such as the democratic consistency of media pluralism can be only founded on a well informed discussion.
The full comprehension of processes such as the democratic consistency of media pluralism can be only founded on a well informed discussion.
These measures included discussion with ESOs, inter alia, of draft guidelines on the implementation of the framework partnership agreement.
These measures included discussion with ESOs, inter alia, of draft guidelines on the implementation of the framework partnership agreement.
This would avoid case by case discussion and legal uncertainty.
This would avoid case by case discussion and legal uncertainty.
After discussion in the Board of Governors, it is a proposal by the Commission that the Council can decide to implement post-programme surveillance.
After discussion in the Board of Governors, it is a proposal by the Commission that the Council can decide to implement post-programme surveillance.
After discussion in the Board of Governors, the Council can decide, on a proposal by the Commission, to implement post-programme surveillance, which can be maintained for as long as a speci?ed amount of the ?nancial assistance has not been repaid.
After discussion in the Board of Governors, the Council can decide, on a proposal by the Commission, to implement post-programme surveillance, which can be maintained for as long as a speci?ed amount of the ?nancial assistance has not been repaid.