Toxic substances in our day to day life and in the household

Fach Fach

Klasse 12

Autor sandi2001

Veröffentlicht am 29.11.2018


Toxic Substances


Dieses Referat beinhaltet eine interessante Beschreibung von giftigen Stoffen in unserem Haushalt und Alltag sowie verschiedene Möglichkeiten, diese zu vermeiden. Des Weiteren werden Ideen aufgelistet, wie man im Alltag Wasser einsparen kann. Das Referat ist in englischer Sprache verfasst.
Toxic substances in our day to day life and in the household Every year there are thousands of accidents with toxic substances in the household. For example, children who accidently eat medicaments or cleaning agent. Obviously, we all know that we have to be careful with strong medicaments or aggressive detergents, but there’s much more in our household which can be a real danger for us. Toxins are nearly everywhere. In the air, in cosmetic products, and even in our food, for example on fruit and vegetables.
It’s important that we are aware of these things and pay attention to these risks.
So first I’m going to write about some of these hidden toxins. Then I’m going to tell some possibilities to avoid them.
 1. Mercury / quicksilver. It’s contained in energy saving lamps. If it’s enclosed in the lamp, there’s no problem, but if the lamp breaks, the mercury will circulate in the air. Mercury is highly toxic because it can harm your brain. It’s very dangerous, especially for children, so if it happens, you have to leave the room and open the windows for a time.
 2. Valerian (Baldrian) and amber (Johanniskraut) In small quantities, they are often used for medical purposes, but if you take too much of them, they can cause damages just as kidney problems or also psychological things like hallucinations. 3. Sprays and deodorant. Room scent sprays can be dangerous for our health as well. Some sprays contain substances, which are not very good for our airways, or which are even cancer-causing. Many deodorants, for example, contain aluminums and alcohols. 
 So it’s very important to be careful if you buy a new room spray or deodorant. The best solution probably would be to open the windows more often instead of using sprays. Now I’m going to write about some possibilities to avoid toxin in the day-to-day life. Always wash fruit and vegetables before eating them to be sure that there aren’t any pesticides on it. As already said, open the windows often instead of using chemical products. Try to use products with natural ingredients for your body. You can search alternative solutions to clean. For example you can use vinegar and baking soda to clean the kitchen instead of aggressive chemical substances. 
5. If you still use chemicals, it’s important to wear grooming gloves and not to breathe in the fumes. How to spare water
 In my opinion it’s really important to avoid the unnecessary use of water. Every day, we use - or waste - plenty liters of water, sometimes without even knowing it. But actually, there are loads of possibilities to spare water. In the following text I’m going to explain some of my ideas.
 The probably easiest way to save water is to try to use as less as possible while you’re washing your hands or face or brushing your teeth. Actually this is one of the most important advices. Many people have habits to leave on the water while teeth brushing, which is completely pointless and waste of water. Trying to change this kind of habits is the first step to save up water!

 2. Another great advice for sparing water is to don’t shower too long and don’t take a bath too often. Maybe most of us can’t even imagine how much water do we need to take a bath. In fact, we need about 150 liters to take one bath and about 100 liters to take a shower for a few minutes. 

3. The next possibility is more complicated, but also really helpful: You could save rain water and use it for watering plants. Also plants need much water and so you could save up much running water with using rain water for the plants. Take only these quantities of water which you’re actually using. Often we have to throw away clean water because it isn’t fresh anymore. It’s much better to take only a glass of water, instead of a whole carafe. The same thing is to buy only a half-liter bottle, instead of buying one liter and throwing away the other half because you aren’t thirsty anymore.

As you can see: If you want to save up water, you have a lot of possibilities to do it. Everybody has to make his own decision. If everyone would try to avoid water waste, it would make a big difference.