5 Referate im Fach Englisch (Alle Klassen)

Fach Englisch

Klasse 11

Autor Larissa345

Veröffentlicht am 10.10.2018


Axis powers History


This presentation is about the Axis powers. There is a link which shows a map with the Axis powers. Who are the Axis powers and what are they doing? What was their aim? What causes the cold war what were the main reasons?
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Fach Englisch

Klasse 11

Autor Larissa345

Veröffentlicht am 10.10.2018


Cold War History Warsaw Pact


This presentation is about the cold war. What means the term cold war? What were the key issues in the development of tension in Europe? What was the Sovietization? What were the main points of the Warsaw pact?
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Fach Englisch

Klasse 10

Autor Sternheim

Veröffentlicht am 04.10.2018


Globalisation Culture Economy America Consumer


Dieses Referat behandelt die Vor- und Nachteile der Globalisierung. Dabei werden ökonomische und politische Aspekte angesprochen, aber auch wie die Globalisierung das tägliche Leben von uns allen beeinflussen kann.
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Fach Englisch

Klasse 11

Autor Larissa345

Veröffentlicht am 30.09.2018


Photography Art Arnolfini Portrait Rankin


This presentation is about photography. It deals with the structure of a shooting schedule, The British photographer Rankin who shot Rembrandt. Furthermore, it is about the painting "Arnolfini Portrait" from Jan van Eyck.
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Fach Englisch

Klasse 11

Autor Larissa345

Veröffentlicht am 28.09.2018


world war allies Axis powers


This presentation is about the Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan. Their enemies are the Allies. So why did they defend the Allies? Another topic is the reasons for the outbreak of the cold war after the second world war.
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