The History of the U.S.A

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Autor sandi2001

Veröffentlicht am 27.10.2018


usa amerika wirtschaft kolonie


In diesem Referat erfährst du grundlegende Informationen zum umfangreichen Thema "Die Geschichte Nordamerikas" von den Anfängen im sechzehnten Jahrhundert bis zum Unabhängigkeitskrieg. Das Referat ist in englischer Sprache verfasst.

The History of North America

1. The Beginnings of America

The very first European settlers were mainly soldiers from Spain and Portugal. The first European settlement in America was called St. Augustine (in today’s Florida). It was founded in 1565 by Spain.
In the 16th century there were individual settlements, but they were not successful for several reasons.
The reasons for this were, for example, the following:
The indigenous people did not accept the new settlers.
There was a completely new flora and fauna here, with which the new settlers did not know their way around.
There was therefore hunger and new diseases came up.

These first settlements served mainly as bases for conquests and discoveries.

Distribution of North America
North America was already very popular at that time because of its many mineral resources. So it has been divided among the various major European powers:
Spain / Portugal

North America had a heterogeneous (uneven) economy:
In the North: Cereals, livestock, Handwork
In the south: plantations (tobacco, cotton, slaves)

There was a triangular trade:

-Slaves were brought from Africa to America.
-In America, there followed a cheap production of goods.
-In Europe the goods were finally sold.

2. The Mayflower Compact

In 1620 the so-called Mayflower, a ship on which pilgrims fathers came to America, became the symbol of America’s beginnings. The original destination was actually Virginia, but they eventually reached Massachusetts, in December 1620.
The Pilgrim Fathers came from different countries to America and wanted to start a new life there. They therefore agreed on a contract of self-government, which was signed by forty Pilgrim Fathers.
The following points, among others, are included in the contract:
-All have the same rights and form an orderly and peaceful community
-All act for the common good and to secure faith
-Everybody should honour King James
-Everyone gets self-amministration.

The Treaty was a basis for today’s democracy and independence.

The Pilgrim Fathers were the first families to settle permanently in America. They were also the founders of the Massachusetts Plymouth settlement. Most of the Pilgrim Fathers were Puritans. These were a secession of the Anglican Church; they were persecuted in England and therefore came to America. They believed they had pure religion, and no longer wanted Catholic traces in their religion. They were striving for a strict theocracy.
The Pilgrim Fathers arrived in winter. Therefore, the conditions were bad and they needed help.

1621, Plymouth: Native Wampanoag Indians supported the new hermits, hence today’s Thanksgiving tradition.

Migration in the 17th century
These Europeans are going to America:
-Trading companies
-people who want to search a better life
-people, who want the excitement, the spirit of adventure
-people who are persecuted because of their religion.

The reasons for migration between then and now do not differ so much. But back then: Europeans traveled into the unknown (didn’t know anything about the new country)

Many poor people had no money for shipping. So the ticket was paid for, but they had to work as cheap labour for about 5 years (=contract work)

3. The English colonization

The first English colonies existed in the 17th century. These colonies were formed by trading companies.

trading companies Trading companies played an important role in the period of english colonization. They were people who went to America to trade (they wanted to make a profitable business)
A good example of such a trading company is the Virginia Company, who founded the first english colony which is called Jamestown.
They supplied the settlers in America with goods from Europe; on the way back they brought American goods with them to Europe (thus making a lot of profit, becoming rich).

Around 1760: 7-year War (Who Will Be a Colonial Power?)
England won and got many colonies, but lost a lot of money. Thus, the state needed money: the import tax was introduced (e.g. on sugar and tea)
1765: The Stamp Act is introduced. This is a tax on all documents, newspapers and contracts. The colonies are totally opposed and boycott various products. Many English companies are therefore going bankrupt.

There was less trade between the colonies. They had actually achieved independence in the meantime, but are now dependent on the motherland England again.

Pamphlet: The Common Sense (by Thomas Paine)
Request: Detach from the english King
spreads fast, hatred against England
A new mood came up in the colonies: Colonies want independence!
“No Taxation without Representation!”
=Demand of the colonies: Right to a say in Parliament

1773: Boston Tea Party

= 1st step to Independence
(Tea has high tax)
settlers dress up as Indians and dump tons of tea into the sea as a protest

Fourth colonies: Differences to the motherland

  1. A new form of society prevailed: no more system of stands
  2. Origin and religion no longer play a role
    important anymore was only the economic capital, education and the political right to a say
  3. Administration: self-administration
  4. Government: governors (some elected by the king, some by the people)
  5. Economy: Iron production and mineral resources

5. The way to independence

In the year 1774 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, there was the so called Continental Congress.
The thirteen colonies joined together and organized themselves there.

American Revolutionary War / American War of Independence
The American War of independence took place between the years 1775 and 1783.
Who: The 13 colonies against the motherland England
Where: On the East coast of North America

George Washington = George Washington played an importand role in this war. He is well known as the very first President of the United States.
He led the militias (= voluntary citizens with weapons). They stood together against the British army and received support from Spain and France.

4. July 1776:
On the 4th July in the yeat 1776, there was the declaration of independence
representative is legitimized by the people (= elected)
“All men are equal + free” (this was only true for white men)
What was important now was the right to have a say, the right to determine.