Multiracialism in Britain

Fach Fach

Klasse 12

Autor Sternheim

Veröffentlicht am 21.04.2018


Britain British Multiracialism Multiculturalism Culture Ethnicity Minorities


Dieses Referat handelt von Multiracialism und Multiculturalism in Großbritannien. Dabei werden sowohl die Vorteile und Nachteile beleuchtet und wie sie sich auf die Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Kultur des Landes auswirken.

Multiracialism is nothing new for British society. Black people and other minorities have lived in Britain for the most part of the past even though their culture was not acknowledged or equated with the white race.
It was assumed that the non-white races were inferior thus resulting in discrimination, racism and subordinating them to second-class status.

Today, racial diversity is becoming more and more recognized and accepted instead of being ignored like it had been because nationalities shared a common skin colour.
Since multiracialism is nothing new it should be natural by now that all races are equal even if they differ in culture. On the one hand, society is becoming more open and accepting and multiracial couples are common. Also representation in the media is increasing and shows different cultures and races and their traditions.

On the other hand, the influence of ethnic minorities on the culture of Britain is often not acknowledged properly or respected. Non-white races are still discriminated against and a lot of prejudice or assumptions of racial superiority and inferiority exists.

To change that there needs to be economic equality as well as educational opportunities for all races. A lot of non-white people experience disadvantages and racism in society, whether it is deliberately or unconciously intended. A truly multiracial society is possible indeed but a lot of change still needs to be achieved. Racial equlity and multiracialism should not be seen as an entirely new concept given the long time that racial diversity has already existed. Society is constantly changing. Right now there seems to be a lot of fear of the Arabic and Islamic culture which we will hopefully overcome. The different races might not be the sae considering the different origins but they should always be equal.

Multiracialism and multiculturalism can be seen as a sald bowl in which the different ingredients represent the racial and cultural diversity. The different races are encouraged to maintain and honor their culture and heritage while not experiencing disadavantages or discrimination for it. The various heritages do not merge into one but stay distinct and there is unity in diversity. It could also be seen as a melting pot where various ethnic groups do not retain their cultural heritage but merge into one new nation. The term “salad bowl” is considered to me more politically correct though.

Then there is the term “cultural assimilation” which means the adjustment of ethnic minorities into a dominant culture where new customs and attitudes are aquired through contact and communication. Each group of immigrants contributes some of its own traits to its new society. Thus, the different cultures and traditions can enrich society and this is a system that allows people to truly express who they are within society. There should be more tolerance and better adaption to cultural issues. But also one has to keep in mind that culture is not one definable thing based on one race or religion, but rather the result of multiple factors that change as the world changes.
British muslims, for example, have made a big contribution to British culture and everyday life. There are Asian restaurants and cornershops, popular films and tv series have made the Indian lifestyle and habits known to British society and Indian entrepreneurs have created thousands of jobs and made a big contribution to the British economy.

While there are some factor working against integration like families not speaking English at home or joining the social life of a wider community or the danger of growing up in so-called “parallel societies”, ethnic minorities and the groups of cultures existing within one single country are increasing.

Some may see that as a threat for the traditional “Britishness” the loss of their national identity and say that there are xcessive claims made by ethnic minorities on the welfare state. But we should never forget that multiracialism and multiculturalism enriches society and also brings adavantages.