Introduction Cold War

Fach Fach

Klasse 11

Autor Larissa345

Veröffentlicht am 17.10.2018


Cold war introduction english history


This presentation is an introduction into the cold war. Subpoints are personalities, the Soviet expansion into Europe, the Soviet control, Stalins Bolshoi Theatre speech, Kennan's long telegram and the Novikov telegram.

The USSR was a threat/not to be trusted, because
• Ideology – the extremes of communism and capitalism
• Deep seated belief – communism = a direct threat to capitalism
• The debts from ‘The Great War’ - not paid by the government of the USSR
• Nazi-Soviet Pact of August 1939 – resulted in the outbreak of WW 2 and the division of Poland
• Stalin said one thing and then ignored the decision if it did not suit


 How responsible were the individuals for the outbreak of the Cold War?
 What did the following think of each other?
• Stalin, considering Roosevelt and Churchill
• Roosevelt, considering Stalin and Churchill
• Churchill, considering Roosevelt and Stalin
Review ~ could these three work together to produce a new world order

Soviet expansion into Europe

Soviet attitudes, Stalin’s approach to the European question was based on:
• Fear of a restoration of Germany – to be used against USSR
• Memory – Britain and the USA had backed the ‘Whites’ in the Civil War
• British policy of Appeasement in 1930’s – allowed Germany to develop
• Military situation in 1945
• A lack of trust – reinforced by the US use of the Atomic Bomb in August 1945

The following could be added to the list of reasons for the Soviet approach:
• Impact of the War on USSR –
 ≥ 20 million deaths as a direct result of the War
 Territory ruined
 Cities destroyed
 Industry ruined
 Agriculture devastated
• The desire to safeguard the USSR for the future & protect Communism

Soviet control
As a result of Stalin’s fears, the atomic bomb, lack of understanding between Truman and Stalin; the USSR appeared to adopt a policy of expansion:
• Use of trusted supporters in specific countries – Bierut (Poland), Kolarov (Bulgaria)
• Terror tactics against opposition
• Exploitation of unrest – Greece and Turkey
• Support of Communist parties – Italy and France ~ de-stabilise

Stalins Bolshoi Theatre Speech

• Context – Election speech
• Purpose – To demonstrate the successes of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War
• Capitalism blamed for the outbreak of war
• Reminder - Anti-Soviet statements made by the Fascists, UK, France and USA prior to outbreak of war
• War was an alliance against the Fascists
• The ‘Red Army heroically withstood all the hardships of the war, utterly routed the armies of our enemies, and emerged from the war the victor.’
• Reference to brilliant victories of the Red Army ~ Stalingrad, Kursk …
• Data used to demonstrate USSRs contribution to the war
Stalin does not mention the Allies, Kennan reports this domestic speech to Washington, interpreted as the start of the Cold War

Kennan’s long telegram
• George Kennan
• Deputy Chief of Mission, US Embassy, Moscow
• Sent President Truman an 8,000 word telegram in which he offered an analysis of Soviet thinking and policy
Churchill 1946
• Former British Prime Minister
• Speaking in Fulton, Missouri
• President Truman present
• Churchill laid out his fears for the future and the actions he believed necessary

Greek Civil War
• A struggle between the Monarchists and the Communists since 1944
• Monarchist backed by the UK, Communists by Yugoslavia & Albania
• Western belief was that Soviets were using Yugoslavia and Albania as proxies
• 1947 – UK unable to maintain support for Monarchists due to economic weakness – USA forced to get involved
• Result – Truman Doctrine

Novikov Telegram
• From Soviet Ambassador in Washington – Nikolai Novikov
• Identifies the Soviet view of US Foreign Policy
• Language is as aggressive as Kennan had been
• USA = Imperialistic, seeking world supremacy
• USA will use economic superiority to dominate the World and is therefore a threat to USSR
• Based on economic strength the USA will seek world domination through the establishment of bases and allied (puppet governments)
• Purpose of bases and influence is the encircle and threaten USSR
• Implication USA is a threat to world peace and should be challenged accordingly

Concepts and Organisations
 Truman Doctrine
 United Nations
 Cominform/Comintern
 Marshall Plan
 Containment
 NSC-68
 Warsaw Pact
 Brinksmanship
 Domino Theory
 Peaceful co-existence
 Comecon