minor road

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Minor sequelae
Leichtere Folgeerscheinungen
Minor sequelae
leichtere Folgeerscheinungen
Anarhichas minor
Spotted wolf-fish
From map reference TQ370020 follow a minor road north-west to a junction at map reference TQ369022.
From map reference TQ370020 follow a minor road north west to a junction at map reference TQ369022.
Turn left onto a minor road and continue west to a T-junction at map reference TQ186203.
Turn left onto a minor road and continue west to a T junction at map reference TQ186203.
Continue north-east to a junction with a minor road on the coast at map reference TA213082.
Continue north east to a junction with a minor road on the coast at map reference TA213082.
Minor function