Show (Nomen)


show (n)

Aufführung, entertainment
  • For the years 2001 and 2002, Commission data show that certain Member States failed to submit any data at all.
  • For the years 2001 and 2002, Commission data show that certain Member States failed to submit any data at all.
  • Lawyer, started a hunger strike on 5 April 2005 to show solidarity with the political prisoners subjected to poor Turkish prison conditions.
  • Lawyer, started a hunger strike on 5 April 2005 to show solidarity with the political prisoners subjected to poor Turkish prison conditions.

spektakel (n)


voorstelling (v n)


Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Ist es im Show Business mittlerweile eine Mode, sich in Sachen Darfur zu engagieren?
Is dit een positieve of negatieve ontwikkeling?
This would clearly show Turkey which criteria it needs to meet and also it would also facilitate the monitoring and assessment procedure by the European Parliament.
Dit zou Turkije duidelijk laten zien aan welke criteria het moet voldoen en zou de controle en evaluatieprocedure door het Europees Parlement vergemakkelijken.
Scientific reports show that there are 40 forbidden fragrances.
Uit wetenschappelijke verslagen blijkt dat er 40 verboden geurstoffen zijn.
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Velden tonen

show (Nomen)


Schau (v n)

entertainment, opvoering

Show (n)

entertainment, opvoering